Thursday, September 29, 2016

3DEP3 at Galerie Thomas Schulte, Berlin

Fabian Marcaccio: 3DEP3, 2016
3D printed plastic, alkyd paint, silicone, hardware, rope
dimensions variable

17 September to 5 November 2016

After Daniel Buren now Fabian Marcaccio: In his search of a reterritorialisation and rematerialisation of painting Marcaccio with his new Environmental Painting 3DEP3 has gone yet another step further. His 3D printed painted cluster of "plastemas" appear weightless and to ascend inside the gallery's nine metre high Corner Space.

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G A L E R I E  T H O M A S  S C H U L T E  G M B H
C H A R L O T T E N S T R A S S E  24  /  1 0 1 1 7  B E R L I N
T :  + 4 9  ( 0 ) 3 0  2 0 6 0 8 9 9 0  /  F : + 4 9 ( 0 ) 3 0  2 0 6 0 8 9 9 1 0
M A I L @ G A L E R I E T H O M A S S C H U L T E . D E
W W W . G A L E R I E T H O M A S S C H U L T E . D E

Monday, August 22, 2016

Extrusion for 3DEP3, Galerie Thomas Schulte, Berlin

Extrusion to be included in 3DEP3 installation.

Fabian Marcaccio (Corner Space)
Galerie Thomas Schulte

Charlottenstr. 24, Berlin, Germany
September 17 – November 5, 2016
Opening Friday, September 16, 6–9pm / abc gallery night


Wednesday, July 6, 2016

The Adventure of our Collection: Re-opening of the Kaiser Wilhelm Museum, Krefeld Kunstmuseen

The Adventure of our Collection:
Re-opening of the Kaiser Wilhelm Museum Krefeld, Germany

Dr. Martin Hentschel presents exhibition of collection in celebration of the re-opening.

Das Abenteuer unserer Sammlung I from Ulla Gerhards on Vimeo.

Friday, June 10, 2016

Artist Talk, July 6th, Krefeld Kunstmuseen re-opening

Artist talk with Dr. Martin Hentschel in conjunction with reopening of the Kaiser Wilhelm Museum.

Wednesday, 6 July, at 7 pm
Joseph-Beuys-Platz 1, 47798 Krefeld, Germany 

Interview with Martin Hentschel in conjunction with "Some USA Stories" exhibition, 2012:

Part 2
Part 3


2 JULY 2016 – SPRING 2017
After being closed for six years and undergoing a general renovation (2012–2016) during which the museum building was refitted to meet international climate-control and security standards, the Kaiser Wilhelm Museum will reopen on 2 July 2016 with a first presentation from its collections. 
An opening ceremony marks the start of an eventful week. The director of the Kunstmuseen Krefeld, Dr. Martin Hentschel, will present the new catalogue of the museum’s holdings of art from 1945 to the present and report on his time in office – an exciting period in the history of the museum, denoted by the controversy over the proposed sale of the painting by Claude Monet, the withdrawal of the Lauffs Collection as well as spectacular exhibitions and major acquisitions.
The festival week’s programme includes further talks, walking tours through the collection with artists with whom one can discus painting and sculpture while guided tours on the architecture, on individual works of art and ensembles in addition to Johan Thorn Prikker’s murals and the spaces by Joseph Beuys encourage taking a closer look at the building and collections it houses. Studio 1, the new open reference section of the collection of prints and drawings will be introduced. The educational program will take up its works in the new spaces on the ground floor and initiate its first project in Studio 2. Together with many other large and small events we hope to awaken a new interest in art and our museum. 
Assembled from the immense holdings belonging to the Kunstmuseen Krefeld, an unconventional staging of works will be on view in the exhibition spaces under the title The Adventure of Our Collection I. Dialogues between current, modern and older art – sometimes across the centuries – will make thematic and stylistic affinities visible; contemporary photographs from Düsseldorf demonstrate the significance of this renowned school and show the development of its various generations; applied art is contrasted with fine art; seemingly incongruous examples of painting pose challenges to our perception. Old friends like Claude Monet and Yves Klein, rediscoveries such as a work by Daniel Spoerri and numerous new pieces by Fabian Marcaccio, Alan Uglow, Thomas Schütte, Iñigo Manglano-Ovalle and many others are moving into new spaces. 
We would like to thank the following for all the support they have given us for the re-opening of the Kaiser Wilhelm Museum and the catalogue of the collection


2. JULI 2016 – FRÜHJAHR 2017
Nach sechsjähriger Schließungszeit und einer Generalsanierung (2012-2016), bei der das Gebäude gemäß internationaler Museumsstandards für Klima und Sicherheit ausgestattet wurde, wird das Kaiser Wilhelm Museum am 2. Juli 2016 mit der ersten Sammlungspräsentation wieder geöffnet. 
Eine Eröffnungsfeier bildet den Auftakt zu einer erlebnisreichen Woche. Der Direktor der Kunstmuseen Krefeld, Dr. Martin Hentschel, stellt den neuen Bestandskatalog der Sammlung 1945 bis heute vor und berichtet über seine Amtszeit – eine spannende Periode in der Geschichte des Museums, geprägt von der Diskussion um den Verkauf des Gemäldes von Claude Monet, den Abzug der Sammlung Lauffs wie auch von spektakulären Ausstellungen und hochkarätigen Neuerwerbungen.
Im Programm der Festwoche schließen sich weitere Vorträge an, ebenso wie beim Spaziergang mit Künstlern durch die Sammlung über Malerei und Bildhauerei diskutiert werden kann; Führungen zur Architektur, zu einzelnen Kunstwerken und Werkzusammenhängen wie auch zur Wandmalerei von Johan Thorn Prikker und den Räumen von Joseph Beuys regen eine Auseinandersetzung mit der Sammlung und dem Haus an. Das Studio 1, das neue Schaulager der graphischen Sammlung, wird vorgestellt. Die Kunstvermittlung nimmt das pädagogische Programm in den neuen Räumen im Erdgeschoss auf und startet das erste Projekt im Studio 2. Viele weitere größere und kleine Ereignisse und Events machen darüber hinaus Lust auf Kunst und auf das Museum. 
In den Ausstellungsräumen ist unter dem Titel Das Abenteuer unserer Sammlung I aus dem immensen Fundus der Kunstmuseen Krefeld eine ungewöhnliche Inszenierung der eigenen Sammlung zu sehen: Dialoge zwischen aktueller, moderner und älterer Kunst machen – zum Teil über Jahrhunderte hinweg – thematische und stilistische Verwandtschaften sichtbar; zeitgenössische Fotografien aus Düsseldorf lassen die Bedeutung dieser renommierten Schule aufscheinen und zeigen die Entwicklung der unterschiedlichen Generationen auf; angewandte Kunst steht Werken der bildenden Kunst gegenüber; scheinbar unvereinbare malerische Positionen fordern die Wahrnehmung heraus. Viele alte Bekannte wie Claude Monet und Yves Klein, Wiederentdeckungen wie eine Arbeit von Daniel Spoerri und zahlreiche Werke von Fabian Marcaccio, Alan Uglow, Thomas Schütte, Iñigo Manglano-Ovalle und vielen anderen, die neu in der Sammlung sind, ziehen in die Räume ein. 
Für die Unterstützung der Wiedereröffnung des Kaiser Wilhelm Museums und der Publikation zur Sammlung danken wir

Art Basel Switzerland, Galerie Thomas Schulte

Gallerie Thomas Schulte
Hall 2.1, Stand M7
Re-accomodation Abstract Paintant, 2016,
Hand woven manila rope, climbing rope, alkyd paint, silicone, wood, 3d printed plastic,  h. 75” x w. 62” x d. 8”

Vortex Plastema, 2016,  3D printed plastic, alkyd paint, silicone  h.  16“ x w. 24 “ x d.  20 “

ART | BASEL 2016
Hall 2.1, Stand M7

Dieter Appelt // Alice Aycock // Richard Deacon // Angela de la Cruz // Danilo Dueñas // Alfredo Jaar // Idris Khan // Paco Knöller // Jonathan Lasker // Iñigo Manglano-Ovalle // Robert Mapplethorpe // Fabian Marcaccio // Bernhard Martin // Gordon Matta-Clark // Allan McCollum // Michael Müller // Jacco Olivier // João Penalva // Hermann Pitz // David Reed // Peter Rogiers // Leunora Salihu // Albrecht Schnider // Iris Schomaker // Katharina Sieverding // Juan Uslé // Stephen Willats // Robert Wilson

Wie in unserem ersten Newsletter zur Art Basel angekündigt, finden Sie hier eine Auswahl der gezeigten Arbeiten. // As announced in our first newsletter for Art Basel, please find here a selection of works on show.

G A L E R I E  T H O M A S  S C H U L T E  G M B H
C H A R L O T T E N S T R A S S E  24  /  1 0 1 1 7  B E R L I N
T :  + 4 9  ( 0 ) 3 0  2 0 6 0 8 9 9 0  /  F : + 4 9 ( 0 ) 3 0  2 0 6 0 8 9 9 1 0
M A I L @ G A L E R I E T H O M A S S C H U L T E . D E
W W W . G A L E R I E T H O M A S S C H U L T E . D E
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Thursday, May 12, 2016

Interview, T33 Barcelona

Interview with T33, Barcelona in conjunction with Family, Group, Cluster, Swarm at Galeria Joan Prats.


Thursday, May 5, 2016

Dynamic Pictorial Models, Group show, 101/Exhibit, Los Angeles

Dynamic Pictorial Models
Pedro Barbeito, Lydia Dona
Franklin Evans, Fabian Marcaccio

8920 Melrose Ave, Los Angeles
March 12 - May 7 2016

Fabian Marcaccio. Scientologists, 2016. Hand woven manila rope, climbing rope, alkyd paint, silicone, wood, 3D printed plastic, 94 x 82 in.



Featuring the essay New Models, Strange Tools by Raphael Rubinstein, prepared especially for the exhibition. Rubinstein is the author of numerous bestselling books and the acclaimed essay, Provisional Painting.

Preorder catalog here


Review on Artsy by Bridget Gleeson.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Family, Group, Cluster, Swarm, Galeria Joan Prats, Barcelona, Spain

Family, Group, Cluster, Swarm
March 31 –May 21, 2016, Opening March 31st 6-9pm
Galeria Joan Prats, Balmes, 54 Barcelona, Spain

"...On March 31st we will open the new exhibition on Fabian Marcaccio’s work titled Family-Group-Cluster-Swarm at Galeria Joan Prats showing his most recent work, 3 Dimensional paintings that behave like sculpture and installation.

As the starting point of the exhibition, Marcaccio researched specifically the meaning of family, group, cluster and swarm in society as well as in painting itself.  The viewer is introduced in the first room by a swarm-like pictorial installation.   Entering the main room, where a family, group, cluster of 3D works and rope paintings seem to tell a story..."

Monday, March 14, 2016

Monday, February 29, 2016


Spring/Break Art Show: New York City’s curator-driven art fair March 1-7, 2016
Location: Skylight at Moynihan Station Main Post office 421 Eight Avenue
Curator: Karin Bravin

3DEP1 (Tridimensional Environmental Paintant #1)

"For Spring Break Art Show, Marcaccio has created a full 3D printed environmental painting-sculpture that will expand across the walls of the space. The work will consist of a constellation of “plastemas” (new pictorial 3D printed painting activities) that work together in a swarming structure. Each of the pieces is made with colored plastic and pigmented silicone; they are engineered to be supported by cable and aluminum suspended in the space."

(see Paintant Lab)

New York City's curator-driven art fair during Armory Arts Week.
Skylight at Moynihan Station
(Main Post Office Entrance)

March 1, 2016 | VIP Preview Day

March 2 - 7, 2016 | Daily Hours 12-8pm
VIP Card or $10.00 Advance Tickets/ $15.00 at Door
Tickets are now available through
Proceeds from tickets help support our initiative to offer free exhibition space to independent curators. We appreciate your continued support of our program!

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Visiting artist talk, Hunter College, NY

Visiting artist for the Kossak Painting Fellowship program at CUNY Hunter College.
Conversation with undergraduate painting students at Hunter College, hosted by Professor Drew Beattie.

More visiting artist talks from the program here.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Recent studio Activities

Solo Show: Family, Group, Cluster, Swarm
March 31 –May 21, 2016, Opening March 31st 6-9pm
Galeria Joan Prats, Balmes, 54 Barcelona, Spain

Group Show: Dynamic Pictorial Models
March 12 - April 30, 2016, Opening March 12th, 6-8pm
101/Exhibit, 8920 Melrose Ave, Los Angeles, CA
Pedro Barbeito, Lydia Dona, Franklin Evans, Fabian Marcaccio

Installation: 3DEP1, curated by Karin Bravin
March 2 - 7, 2016.  VIP Preview March 1st, 5-9pm
Spring/Break Art Show
James A. Farley Post Office, 421 Eighth Avenue, New York, NY

Art Fair: ARCO, Madrid, Spain
February 24 - 28, 2016
FERIA DE MADRID, Halls 7 and 9
Galerie Thomas Schulte, Berlin, Germany
Galeria Joan Prats, Barcelona, Spain

Art Fair: Armory Show, New York
March 3 - 6, 2016
Piers 92 & 94, New York, NY
Galerie Thomas Schulte, Berlin, Germany